Minutes - Business Committee

Meeting Venue:

Video Conference via Zoom

Meeting date: 19 January 2021

Meeting time: 09.00 - 09.21







Committee Members:

Elin Jones MS, Llywydd (Chair)

Rebecca Evans MS

Darren Millar MS

Dai Lloyd MS

Caroline Jones MS

Committee Staff:

Aled Elwyn Jones (Clerk)

Others in attendance

Ann Jones MS, Deputy Presiding Officer

Manon Antoniazzi, Chief Executive & Clerk of the Senedd

Siwan Davies, Director of Senedd Business

Julian Luke, Head of Policy and Legislation Committee Service, Head of Policy and Legislation Committee Service

Elin Roberts, Policy Adviser to the Llywydd

Gwion Evans, Head of the Llywydd's Private Office

Helen Carey, Welsh Government

Bethan Garwood, Deputy Clerk



1       Introductions, apologies and substitutions

The Llywydd welcomed Dai Lloyd, who was substituting for Sian Gwenllian.



2       Minutes of the previous meeting



3       Organisation of Business



3.1   This Week's Business

This Week’s Business


The Trefnydd drew Business Managers’ attention to one change to This Week’s Business – the Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport will be making the statement on the Welsh Government Response to the South East Wales Transport Commission’s Final Recommendations in place of the Minister.




·         Voting Time will take place after the last item of business.  

·         Plenary is unlikely to run past 5.35pm. 




·         Voting Time will take place before the Short Debate.  

·         Plenary is unlikely to run past 6.10pm. 



3.2   Three Week Timetable of Government Business

The Trefnydd drew Business Managers’ attention to the following changes:


Tuesday 26 January 2021


·           Statement by the Minister for Education: Launch of the Curriculum Implementation Plan Update on Qualifications for 2021 (30 mins)

·           Statement by the Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Welsh Language: Publication of the national policy on Welsh language transmission and use in families (30 mins) - postponed from 15 December 2020

·           Proposal under Standing Order 12.24 to debate the following together but with separate votes: (30 mins)

o   The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Restrictions) (Amendment) (No. 2) (Wales) Regulations 2021

o   The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2021

·           Proposal under Standing Order 12.24 to debate the following together but with separate votes: (60 mins)

o   Motion under Standing Order 26.95 that a Bill to be known as the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill be treated as a Government Emergency Bill

o   Motion under Standing Order 26.98(ii) to agree a timetable for the Bill to be known as the Welsh Elections (Coronavirus) Bill

·           Debate: The Equality and Human Rights Committee Annual Review 2019-20 (30 mins) – postponed from 8 December 2020



Tuesday 2 February 2021


·         Statement by the Minister for Health and Social Services: Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board Clinical Review Update (30 mins)

·        Statement by the Minister for Finance and Trefnydd: Progress on Devolved Taxes (30 mins)

·         The Government of Wales Act 2006 (Amendment) Order 2021 (15 mins)

·         Debate: Stage 4 of the Renting Homes (Wales) Amendment Bill (15 mins)postponed


A note would be sent to Members outlining the procedure and proposed timetable for the Emergency Bill. An early copy would be circulated to Business Managers.


The Llywydd drew Business Managers’ attention to the scheduling of Stage 3 of the Renting Homes Bill on Wednesday 10 February, the same day as the anticipated Stage 3 of the Emergency Bill.



3.3   Three Week Timetable of Senedd Business

Business Committee agreed to schedule the following items of business, and agreed to review the business for 10 February once the timetable for the Emergency Bill was confirmed.


Wednesday 10 February 2021 –

·         Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal (30 mins)

·         Time allocated to the Welsh Conservatives (30 mins)

·         Time allocated to Plaid Cymru (30 mins)



3.4   Member Debates: Selection of Motion for Debate

Business Managers selected the following motion for debate on 27 January:


Dai Lloyd

Neil Hamilton

Huw Irranca-Davies

Adam Price

Andrew RT Davies

Nick Ramsay



To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes the publication of research by the Stroke Association into the experiences of stroke survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic, which found that stroke survivors and carers are struggling to access the services and support they need.

2. Notes that admissions at acute stroke units in Wales fell 12 per cent between April and June 2020 compared to 2019.

3. Believes that despite the COVID-19 pandemic, stroke survivors should be able to continue to access the acute care, rehabilitation, mental health treatment and support they need to make the best possible recovery.

4. Calls on the Welsh Government to ensure local health boards in Wales continue their work to improve stroke care in Wales and do not allow COVID-19 to delay much needed structural changes.

5. Calls on the Welsh Government to publish a new national plan for stroke services upon the expiration of the current Stroke Delivery Plan to ensure care for those affected by stroke is strengthened throughout Wales in the future.

Stroke Delivery Plan 2017-2020


Supported by:


Llyr Gruffydd

Mark Isherwood

Neil McEvoy



4       Legislation



4.1   The Health Protection (Coronavirus, International Travel and Restrictions) (Amendment)(No. 2)(Wales) Regulations 2021

The Business Committee agreed to set a reporting deadline of Monday 25 January for the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee to report on the regulations. 



The Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 5) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2021


The Business Committee agreed to set a reporting deadline of Monday 25 January for the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee to report on the regulations. 



5       Committees



5.1   Senedd Timetable

Business Committee agreed additional meeting slots for the Public Accounts Committee and the Economy Infrastructure and Skills Committee in the protected weeks.



6       Papers to note



6.1   Letter from the Remuneration Board

Business Committee noted the letter and agreed to send an interim reply, informing the Remuneration Board that the Committee was currently reviewing the Standing Orders on groups.





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